Horizontal Row Machine


We created our unilateral horizontal row machine such that it would mimic natural, free form movement to the greatest degree possible. The rowing arms do not diverge, but instead they move in a perfectly parallel pattern just as your hands would move when rowing a barbell off of the floor. This machine provides a ton of variability for grip position. The handles, seat, chest support and foot plates all adjust. Maximal adjustability allows anyone of any height, size or limb length to effectively use this machine.  You can also use it seated or standing and with or without the chest support. This accommodates your particular rowing pattern for optimal results. It also allows you to change the training effect and target the back muscles at a greater number of different angles. Band hooks allow for 3 forms of resistance – plates, bands or a combination of both. Bands reverse the effect that a lever generally has on the resistance pattern. Bands also allow for maximal muscular contraction throughout the entire range of each repetition. Simply put, with all of the variations available this machine allows for exceptional and continuing gains in muscular strength and size.


Frame Colors
Upholstery Colors

Patent Pending

For vinyl the standard color is black. For any other colors there will be a $100.00 additional charge.
For metal frames standard colors include: white and black. For any other colors there will be a $100 additional charge.

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